Tuesday, August 24, 2010


We are not changing our name, but we are looking for a new catch phrase that says who we are, what we stand for, and what we do all in one. It needs to be positive, catchy, effective, modern, uplifting, short, and "cool.”

We are looking for a slogan or motto that will inspire others to join our efforts in preventing violence through education on healthy relationships and community resources, and that also promotes peace, kindness, and justice for our community and world.

Our goal is to help promote healthy lifestyles and relationships by offering resources,education, and referrals when needed, and to assist survivors in their endeavors to live fuller, happier, and more peaceful lives.

We wish to draw people closer to our hope and vision for justice and change, and a world free from violence.

Help us find a motto that expresses what USAFV is, and what we do. We think it should be fairly short, easy to remember, and it should promote the idea that a job where you help people is, in our opinion, the COOLEST job in the world.

We are offering a $100 REWARD TO THE WINNER!

Please email,mail,call,fax or post to any of the following:
PO BOX 36 Unalaska,AK 99685

Also, you can find us on Facebook and comment there!
You could even BLOG here!

We anxiously await your comments!
Thank you,

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